
Stories I’ve told. (…sometimes they come in poet form.)

A Quiet and Simple Truth

Abe Lincoln once said, “If you call a dogs tail, a leg, how many legs does a dog have?” The people called back, “Five!”. Lincoln said, “No. Four. You can call a tail a leg all you want but it is still a tail.”

Today it seems, more than ever, we’re still doing that. Calling [whatever] what it ain’t.

But that does not make it so. That doesn’t make it true.

It still is

what it is.

That’s the world we’re living in.

Truth is said to be what it ain’t,

but still, the truth is

what it is.

We are living in a convoluted and noisy world, a world

which tries to complicate and drown out the truth.

Consider this:

Truth in this noisy world

is quiet.

Truth speak quietly, with a still small voice,

but when Truth speaks,

it speaks with a Power

that cuts through all the noise.

We live in confusing and complicated times,

but, the truth is simple; not complicated,

Because it’s simply true.

Simple truth rolls away confusion’s clouds

which hide and separate us from the Son

the only one,

the powerful One

who is,

and who gives us, Truth.

About that Jesus Revolution thing…

America had a drug induced ‘liberating’ counter cultural ‘love’ revolution in the 60’s which did not set [U.S.] free from our prisons.

Much earlier- in the early A.D.’s- there was a drug free liberating counter cultural revolution which provided the whole world with the opportunity for true freedom. Most ofthe world, to this very day, has rejected the invitation, instead relying on the broken cultural systems of this world to somehow liberate them and break us out of our prisons.

At that time a hero, a revolutionary named Jesus, an alien to the world that he created (“He was a stranger in a strange land…”*) entered into the relm of time, bought us freedom from our prisons of sin, and invited us to join him and be a part of what must carefully be called, an insurrection; His uprising against the fallen culture of his day.

When he came into the world he introduced to the world a new and radically different culture. He is calling us, by his Father’s Spirit, into that culture which is not of this world, and yet, is at the same time, still in this world. It is a culture of Life that does not conform to thefallen and dying systems of this world.

His new culture of Life is to be modeled through his followers who are being transformed by His word, who are being transformed by the one who is the Word of Truth; enabled to model his truth.

Those who have accepted His invitation have been adopted into his forever family and are called by God to be Jesus People, to be radical examples of Jesus’ Life.

His plan is for us is to model a culture that is distinctly different and separate from the fallen cultural systems of this world.

We have been called into His Kingdom Culture.

We are called to model His Counter Cultural Kingdom…

We are called to truly Love and to Love truly.

We are his called out ones, his Ecclesia, a people gathered from out of this world to be His light in this world and a reflection of the glory of God the Father who by His Spirit dwells within us.

We have been called from out of this world to join His forever kingdom, and His worldwide revolution…

…May His kingdom come, may His will be done- here on earth, in us and through us- as it is in heaven.

*A line from a 60’s era song by Leon Russel

(Just For Fun), What Rhymes With It?

If I put a poem on a blog that rhymed with it…

…would you read it?

Would you even want to see it? 
Poetry? Really!? Who needs it?

Would anybody read it?
Or admit that they like it? 
Would they ignore it?

Or quickly delete it 
Before they read it?! 

Is this Poetry? Not really… or did you not read it!?

(And here’s why these sentences all end with an it…
How else could I rhyme it?
I’m not a poet.)

A Clash of Cultures

A Clash of Cultures

I have been wondering… How do I engage in conversation with people, within the culture that I live in, who have a different view of what God and truth are than I do, without clashing with them and their cultural view?I wondered, is that possible?

Here’s more questions, like, what is the culture that I live in; how do I define it? What is the engine that drives our culture’s way of thinking? What is the mindset that governs our culture? So many questions. Too many questions…!?

My brains a bit fried

But still, let me try

To work through this…

      When it comes to defining our own present cultural types, there are 3 or 4 primary ones that we can choose from: the 1st cultural type is called a theonomous culture, which when broken apart is theos; meaning, God, and nomous; meaning, law. That culture is a culture governed by God, subject to God’s authority. It is a culture that has his law written in its heart.

       American culture in its beginnings, in limited ways, was a culture governed by God’s law. Back then the framers of our Constitution also defined God’s governance as “natural law”, as in, ”We believe these things to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” We, in our beginnings better accepted the laws of God, and his natural law. We wrote them in our documents and chiseled them on our monuments. It was a rock upon which to build our culture. That rock, nowadays, is crumbling. We, as a culture, are not now yielding to the rule of God. We, instead, are in rebellion against His rule. Culturally our hearts are in another place.

       The 2nd culture type is called a heteronomous culture. Hetero; meaning another, nomous; meaning law. It is culture governed, by “another” lawgiver, other than God, another, separate, chosen one and/or few who rule from the top. A Fascist dictatorship, an oligarchy, and the Prophet Mohammed are a few examples of that type of culture. The masses are governed by the few. The few who are in power dictate the cultural laws and mores to the many.

       Our 3rd cultural choice is an autonomous culture. Autos; meaning self, nomous; again meaning law; Self-law, which means each person dictates their own moral law. Each one self-determines what is right and what is wrong. Autonomy is the engine that drives American culture. Our culture preaches to us and reinforces within us, that within the Self there is the only god that we need to discover. Within us is all the power we need to define and achieve whatever we choose to believe. We just need to learn how to tap into it. The new “spiritual” bent of our culture now days is narcissistically autonomous. It’s all about Me discovering the Source of truth within me. And once I discover it, I can define it (or redefine it if necessary), I can tap into it, and make it work for me.

       A 4th cultural type of rule for U.S. is Democranomous (dim mock’ ran no muss) [New word, not in the dictionary! ] : Law by majority rule. You know… Democracy:  A majority defines and determines the law that rules. [Nowadays we call ourselves a Democracy. And we’re proud of it. We used to be a Representative Republic. What happened?]

       Our systems of governance in our culture today only work if those who have the power of governance are God-governed. Apart from being governed by God, we are left with the competing clash of those who, without a solid foundation, are continually redefining the systems and enforcing what the rule of law is for the remainder of us.

       What we end up within all of this is a cultural clash: law by majority rule is in competition with governance by the privileged few, which in turn is in competition with law as it is defined and determined by [sing it]: “Me me me meee…”.

       The Autonomous culture that we live in today creates this conundrum: Everyone’s truth is defined by, and for, themselves. There is no objective truth. Truth is subjectively defined by each person within the culture. So we live “our own truth” and let others live theirs, and we all do our own thing. If things get difficult we may switch to a competing cultural definition. If we can’t agree on a thing, then…  Majority rules.  Let’s vote on it:    We win.   You lose.    Done.       Or maybe we switch to a dictatorial/Heteronomous cultural mode, as in, “What I [or we the chosen few who have the power] have chosen for you to believe is what you now must believe. Or else!”

Or, some may desire to see a return to the Theonomous cultural mode, “Believe what God and the Bible said. You must believe. Or else…” How’s that working for us? Us trying to force a secular rebellious culture to be under God’s rule because, after all, that is how it ought to be.

Or, we do this instead: We can become a counter-cultural people! This I think, is the best way we can engage our culture and cause it to desire Gods culture: We model it. We become one people, one family, the Family of God, which he has adopted, separated from this world, and gathered for his purpose. We become a people who understand his divine purpose, who have been won over by the love of God, who are acknowledging and walking in the light of truth as it is being revealed by God. A people who have learned how to walk as Jesus walked, accepting the leading of the Spirit and the will of the Father. When we, who truly are His, are built together like that by the Master Builder, we will shine as God’s light, as His antidote for a darkened and confused culture.*                                                    

                                                            *[Also check the asterisk (*) below: Followers of Jesus have actually been called to be part of a new culture, a Counter Culture, which is radically different than the above cultural systems. God’s Kingdom Culture is His alternative to the broken cultural choices that we have in our world today.]

       What we have today is a messy blend of these 4 in our culture. Autonomy believes the Individual is god, Democracy believes the Majority is god. Heteronomy believes our gods are the Few. Theonomy now days is our fading God. We today as a culture have replaced God’s rule. Because of that, we are left with the “Chosen’s” view, whether they be the many or the few, of what our culture is supposed to do.

Listen to the “New [Culture] Speak” on how we are to think and speak:

It starts out well but ends badly. “Be inclusive. Be tolerant of all views.(Unless it doesn’t agree with the Majority view.) We took a poll. Speak only what the majority has determined to be true.

Be inclusive. Be tolerant of all views. (Unless it doesn’t agree with a view of the Chosen Few. Speak only what the Few have determined to be True.

Be inclusive. Be tolerant. Love all views. (Until it doesn’t agree with Mine.) Unless you agree with me, I’d rather that you did not speak. Agree with Me or silent be.”

Speaking through the filter of the words of the God of Truth which people of faith believe in, is not in the New Speak equation: don’t even talk about That.

We are being force-fed a New [Culture] Speak:   So bite the Apple:   Or else!


Allow me to confess, we are all in a mess because our first parents did bite the Apple!

Let me also confess this: that as an individual I believe in God’s law, in God’s word and His self-evident natural law (What goes up [a ladder] must come down [a ladder], right?). While I can’t dictate to the “Autonomous You”, that they must believe what I do, I will accept and love them even while we must disagree. At the same time, if they are truly autonomous (inclusive and tolerant of all views), they should be accepting of others right to believe differently and, at least, listen. The lines of communication should remain open, a thing difficult to do as we come to realize that our cultural ideals are at war. 

     In today’s culture if someone tries to communicate God’s truth from a position of faith, to a world conflicted by, or at war with that truth, is the right to speak still acceptable in our world?

Barely, barely (I say unto you). The freedom to exercise that right is decreasing… But give me a chance if I may, let me try to exercise my faith:

       I believe that God has given us his new covenant, his new rules to follow, and that is His Law of love. The Father presented to us his son, Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life. He is the doorway into experiencing God’s new covenant of love for his people. Everyone has a choice, to see, to understand, and to choose for themselves the Truth worth following after. I believe Truth is God’s son Jesus, and that He is worth following. He is the Truth. Following the Truth sets us free. Simply put, I believe that we as a people have been created by God, for God. We need to surrender to and be governed by the one supreme God, the one who has a higher and better law for us than the chains of the unsurrendered Self’s autonomous law.

       This is what I do not believe, that self-rule will work apart from God’s rule. It must ultimately deteriorate into chaos and anarchy because self-determined truths will inevitably compete with one another within the culture and cause conflict. They will cause us to declare war upon one another. We are seeing it today. Increasingly so. Look around you. The lines are being drawn.

       But, this I also believe, that culturally, surrender will never happen. We are in rebellion. We as a fallen sinful culture are at war with the rule of God. We love darkness rather than light. We love our truth more than His truth. We are the Rebel Planet and consequences are coming.

       I believe in the story that dates back to the very beginning of time. I believe in the Bible record that says that the first man and woman, not too long after creation, were deceived into believing that they too were autonomous, that they could choose for themselves what was good and what was evil. That deception separated them, and consequently us, from God and from His Life. That deception separated them from the fellowship that God intended to have with them. And so they disobeyed.

       The world today reaps the consequences of disobedience. People in the world today continue to believe in this deception: that it is up to us to determine what is good and what is evil, not what God has already defined for us. We determined that it was okay to disobey. God determined that disobedience to be sin. From that infamous beginning, our sins are now many. We have been given a long list of what they are. But because we are now self-determining, we have determined that sin does not even exist in the hearts of men (I’m okay you’re okay: we’re not evil, we’re basically good). Or we decide can grade our sins on a subjective sliding scale. Now, we are free to throw out some, or if we wish, determine if some are worse than others. 

       In our autonomous culture, murder (excepting babies in the womb) is still defined as being an evil thing, while homosexuality is not. Lying might be necessary and not even sinful if it’s just a white lie. And so we bump heads in that cultural conversation because we have different cultural lenses. Theonomously defined, sin is sin. Heteronomously, it is defined by the few. Democratically it is defined by the majority. Autonomously, it is entirely up to you. 

       From God’s view, sin has consequences. From the view of the few, consequences work more like Random Selection (the Few may randomly select you! ). Democratically we’re not sure; so let’s take a vote! Autonomously, it can all be ignored.

Here is an invitation not to ignore it. 

There is a solution; Theonomously speaking:

       Jesus came! God sent his son. He lived. He died. He rose and lives again. He brought us redemption. He paid the price. He has chosen us and He offers us his life. We can choose it. We can believe. We can choose Him. We can find Life again in him. We can be his temple and he can live within us. He is the solution for all of the ways we fall short of perfection. 

He is the solution for all of our sins: the ones we call big, the ones we call little, and the ones that we ignore. He gives us his Life. He told us, go and sin no more. So we go and take up our cross and trade in our lives**. He gives us the power to do all things through Christ. Jesus’ Life within us is the power. He gives us the power to choose and to do the right thing. He has given us Himself so that we can do all things through Him who is our Strength. He has given us the ability to choose freedom. Jesus is the one who sets us free. Indeed.

       God gave us something very special, sacred even when he gave us free choice. We are free to choose. But still, it is God who governs the consequences and the outcomes of those choices. He has given us the freedom to choose. He gave us control of our choices, but he did not give us control of the consequences of those choices. We as a culture are given choices. The choice of being governed by God’s rule, by the rule of the many, by the rule of the few, or by the rule of the Self. We have been given the choice of surrendering to God’s free reign over us, or of choosing to surrender our freedom to the many, or the few. Or we may continue to choose that we ourselves remain the self-determining gods. We have the choices. Ultimately, with all of those choices, this is the consequence, we have surrendered our freedom to the deceiver. Whether we realize it or not, we come under the rule of the prince and god of this world, Satan, who is the father of sin, and lies, and evil, and the keeper of all of this world’s fallen cultural systems.

We have a choice. We still can choose the truth that sets us free. It is the Truth that has a name. Truth’s name is Jesus.

      This though, cannot be avoided: If we choose the Truth that sets us free, if we choose Jesus, that choice will clash with the world’s version of truth. We who believe will receive consequences from the world. Jesus warned us that this would be the way it is. Jesus warned us of the tribulation and persecution that would come of all of this. Because this world hated Him, it will hate those who choose Him.

But in the end, Truth will win.

       Culture today, in the USA and in the world, is in the process of replacing God and redefining the truth. We are losing our freedom. Today, in our autonomous cultures, each individual is a god becoming [replacing] God. The stories of the gods of Greek mythology gave us a hint of what it will be like when Autonomy rules—it would be like our Marvel superhero gods, gone mad! The clash of wills worldwide will deteriorate into anarchy. 

       Anarchy will rule and reign until Hetero (Another god– an anti-God— who will reign for a short season), comes along to dictate to the mad masses what they now must do.

Is there not a prophecy… somewhere… about that, about the outcome of everyone doing what is right in their own eyes?

When the gods of America

And the gods of this world

Replace the God of creation,


And this world will truly be

A terrifying place…

… Until the very end, when Truth comes back and wins!


       * We have been called by God into a new and different culture. A culture that is not of this world, and yet is in this world. A culture not conforming to the systems of this world. A culture transformed by the Word. We have been called by God to be his people, his family; His plan is to build us into a culture that is distinctly different and separate from the fallen cultural systems of this world. We have been called into His Kingdom Culture. We are to be Counter Cultural. We are called to be a reflection of the glory of God the Father dwelling within us. We are his Ecclesia, a people gathered from out of this world to be His light in this world. 

       We have been called from out of this world to join His kingdom restoration, His ecclesia’s reformation, and His worldwide revolution.

       May His kingdom come, may His will be done, here on earth, in us and through us, as it is in heaven.

** I used auto dictation to write this. When I said, “…we take up our cross and trade in our lives.”, auto dictation wrote this, “…we take up our cross and trade in our wives.” ! (Funny, but no.)

Proof that evolution did not happen.

Evolution did not happen. Really.

I have proof:


Penguins are proof that evolution is not happening. It’s not working.

Think about it. Evolution says animals adapt comfortably to their environment. Do penguins look comfortable in their environment?

Just look at them.

They look COLD, not comfortable. I don’t think they belong in Antarctica.

I mean, go to the San Diego Zoo and visit their penguins. To help them adapt and make them comfortable, they didn’t put them in the freezer! Penguins there hang out together on the warm wet cement and they’re doing just fine. Living there quite comfortably, I’d say.

Every other animal that lives in the Antarctic comes equipped with thick fur or layers and layers of fat or blubber. What’s a penguin got? They’re waddling around in their short baggy pants that have sagged down around their ankles, looking like they’re cold and soaking wet. Is this comfortable?

Every year penguins walk 80 miles round trip for their food. That must be true, ‘cause Morgan Freeman said it… They have this food circuit they’ve been walking for millions of years… maybe billions!? If these poor animals have been walking around for millions of years why don’t they have knees yet? The theory of evolution gets shaky here (the pun is intended): Why are they still waddling around? They’re barely able to stand on shaky slippery ground.

Why haven’t they grown some bendy legs? Some legs with knees? Evolution would have fixed that. I mean there’s just something wrong with that. Evolution is really messing up.

And have you looked at their wings? Those things they call wings haven’t worked out very well for them. Go ahead, ask them, “So how are your wings working for you?” They’re just not. They’re grounded. Billions and billions of years and they still can’t fly.  Why?  Evolution didn’t fix that one for them either. Evolution is not looking so good here.

And have you noticed, how they lay on their bellies and slide into the ocean? They’re not doing that for fun. They’ve tripped and they can’t get up! What else can they do? They have no bendy legs. And (just in case you wanted to know) they have no belly button.

So there they go, again and again, sliding back down into the sea. About that… that is just the opposite of what evolutionists say about how we came to be. They say we came up OUT of the sea, got some bendy knees and learned how to walk on land. Nope. Sorry. Not so.

Evolution is not working. We have penguins sliding back into the sea…       so that they can do what?

Learn how to swim?

Come on, they’re birds!

300,000 and counting…


When we saw it, we knew it was the one for us, because unlike how I do it, it’s owner, like clockwork, had maintained it and documented it. From regular on schedule oil changes– to timing belts every 70,000 miles; all done and documented. I think it’s because of that we got 150,000 more miles out of it, despite random oil changes, no timely timing belt replacements and no documentation.  (Fair warning, don’t buy a used car from me!) It’s been a great car. Starting out as Pam’s runabout, hauling grandkids and literally, tons of groceries, it rolled up the miles. God is good about giving us the things that take care of our needs.

We lost it once. It got stolen in Sacramento, right outside Rena and Danny’s (Some of our kids) front door. Someone else must have liked it too. Camry engines are a favorite of car thieves. But, after a few months missing, after we had given it up for lost, it came back to us, all in one piece. Sometimes God re-gives us things that take care of our needs!

Since my pickup was a gas hog the car soon became my work buddy, my economical runabout: 30 mpg versus a not so “perfect 10”! It turned into a tools and materials hauler. It got used and abused. It’s been a great car. I really like it. But it’s list of issues is growing. It just turned over 300,000 miles. When you properly maintain them, they say you can get 400,000 miles out of ’em. But this wagon was living on borrowed time, so I determined to run it until it died without pouring a bunch of money into the long and growing list of needed repairs. We’d put that instead into a replacement.

Living on borrowed time makes one thankful and prayerful… 300,000 miles and counting. When I get in the car I say thank you Father for this car, I turn the key, and it starts! Another day running. So I say thanks again. I do another partial fill up, wondering how much gas will be left in the tank when it dies! It’s been making strange sounds like it wants to. But not yet.

But I’ve got to tell you. Something happened to that car at 300,000. A word lit up on the dash that I’d never seen before: “pwr“.  Almost like it had been em-Pwr-ed.   It’s like at 300,000 miles it was supposed to die. But not yet. Not for another day. Another partial fillup. Another day of thanking Father.

It’s now pushing 666 miles over 300,000.

I’m praying for 777 and beyond…

Noah blew it!

Noah blew it.

Let me tell you how. First let’s say creative license does allow a movie like “Noah”  to re-create Noah into a new mythology. Then let’s say it’s O.K. to create a new story. Even if it’s Different from the Old Story.

Bill Mahr, of late night T.V. fame, who doesn’t like God,  when reviewing the movie “Noah”, figures both stories are made up, that both are impossible fantasy. He said Christians are mad at “Noah ” (the movie) because  “…this made up story doesn’t stay true to their made up story.” He’s saying you don’t like the new myth because you still believe the old myth.

“Noah’s” director, Darren Aronofsky, says, “Here’s a New story. It is a bit different from the Old story.” (O. K. maybe he didn’t “say” that. The quote  is an example of creative license.)

And so “Noah’s” director, with (re)creative license, makes up a new myth for those who still believe the “old myth” , creating a planet where man has so blown it, where man is so wicked, he needs to just go away. On this planet man’s wickedness is re-created also… Bad is not necessarily bad when you’re re-creating “wicked”. In our new mythology mining the earth will be “wicked” so rape is not bad until it’s equated to the “mining” of Mother earth. Murder is not bad until you’re eating meat. So yeah… the Murder of animals is bad.

So our new Noah is just the man for the job. He does not rape the earth and he does not eat meat. He can Save the evolved animals for the Creator, and then just go away.

Wait, “Did he just say evolved animals?”

Well yeah. Our new Noah gets it. While on the ark Noah tells his family the creation story, but while telling the story we are seeing a single-cell amoeba-like object  morphing into two cells that eventually become the creatures of the sea. The fish are shown growing feet and walking onto the land as reptiles, which in turn morph into various other land creatures and eventually become a monkey in a tree.

And seeing is worth more than a thousand words of Noah’s telling.

While Noah is telling us about the Creator we are seeing how it happens. And so, in his New story, Noah’s Director merges the theory of evolution into the creation. And Noah understands it. He get’s it. Noah sees the evolution of the animals as a good thing and humans as the bad thing, so Noah’s knife must come out and put an end to man’s ability to re-create.

But, because Aronofsky doesn’t go so far in the movie as to actually show us, his audience, the evolutionary link that is missing between man and the monkey, our new Noah then (of course), doesn’t know about it either:

Oops… Noah doesn’t know about the missing link!  

He raises the knife to end the possibility of re-creative life for Man, not realizing evolution’s inevitable crowning result is gonna be Man (again). That means to really make an end of humans he must not only kill his granddaughters, but he must also kill every living thing on the boat, right down to the amoebas… 

He didn’t do it.

Noah blew it!

There was no way she could have known… that someday I’d actually write a poem

Miss Morgan’s Class


 I had to sit clear in the rear

because my name was Wilden

back where it’s hard to stay awake

when someone’s droning Milton

I couldn’t see the words she’d scrawl

while writing on her blackboard wall,

the poems that rhymed

or homework assigned…


I needed glasses even then

when I was young and still quite slim


this is what she said,

if you want to write prose like Milton’s

you’ve got to learn

how to diagram a sentence

it’s simple arithmetic

a subject and a predicate

divided in two


but then she would proceed

to fill her blackboard wall

with diagrams I could not read

or comprehend at all


it’s just something that I never learned

because my name was Wilden

and I was sitting in the back

not paying much attention


Miss Morgan tried, she really did

but I needed glasses way back then

when I was young and still quite slim