About that Jesus Revolution thing…

America had a drug induced ‘liberating’ counter cultural ‘love’ revolution in the 60’s which did not set [U.S.] free from our prisons.

Much earlier- in the early A.D.’s- there was a drug free liberating counter cultural revolution which provided the whole world with the opportunity for true freedom. Most ofthe world, to this very day, has rejected the invitation, instead relying on the broken cultural systems of this world to somehow liberate them and break us out of our prisons.

At that time a hero, a revolutionary named Jesus, an alien to the world that he created (“He was a stranger in a strange land…”*) entered into the relm of time, bought us freedom from our prisons of sin, and invited us to join him and be a part of what must carefully be called, an insurrection; His uprising against the fallen culture of his day.

When he came into the world he introduced to the world a new and radically different culture. He is calling us, by his Father’s Spirit, into that culture which is not of this world, and yet, is at the same time, still in this world. It is a culture of Life that does not conform to thefallen and dying systems of this world.

His new culture of Life is to be modeled through his followers who are being transformed by His word, who are being transformed by the one who is the Word of Truth; enabled to model his truth.

Those who have accepted His invitation have been adopted into his forever family and are called by God to be Jesus People, to be radical examples of Jesus’ Life.

His plan is for us is to model a culture that is distinctly different and separate from the fallen cultural systems of this world.

We have been called into His Kingdom Culture.

We are called to model His Counter Cultural Kingdom…

We are called to truly Love and to Love truly.

We are his called out ones, his Ecclesia, a people gathered from out of this world to be His light in this world and a reflection of the glory of God the Father who by His Spirit dwells within us.

We have been called from out of this world to join His forever kingdom, and His worldwide revolution…

…May His kingdom come, may His will be done- here on earth, in us and through us- as it is in heaven.

*A line from a 60’s era song by Leon Russel


      1. Nice to hear that your still there! I know it’s been a while for me to post… My writing ’til recently had been focused on a group I started called The Hidden Bean back during the COVID thing via Facebook,simply focusing with a nice group of fellow believers on finding what the truth was/is- biblically speaking- during that time of misinformation (which unfortunately continues on). Except Facebook, took issue with it and canceled me, burying everything written within the group in their cosmic black hole(!). Caused me to quit writing for a while, but, hey I gotta write. So here I am back on my blog starting to do a bit of that once again… 🙂



      2. Wow brother! That’s a heck of a story! Yes, keep writing bro, they can’t take away your words on your own blog, …..until they can….. but until then, don’t give up! Great to see you here!

  1. RE: “they can’t take away your words on your own blog, …..until they can…..” That’s funny! (Except for the fact that it’s true. Someday ‘they’ will will.)

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