
I am a follower, a follower of Jesus, and I hope, a fellow follower with you. Jesus has given us an invitation [and a challenge] to walk as he walked. Let’s walk with Him… and explore that together.

(The cutie in the picture at the time I started this blog?! That’s one of my granddaughters, Bailey. She wasn’t walking when I started. She now is. Of course. It’s one of the things she was created to do. Now her baby brother Wesley is walking too! And we now have a crawling granddaughter whose name is Mela, she is soon to walk!) Walking with Jesus… it’s one of the things we have been created to do.

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There are a bazillion words spoken each and every day in our world, the noisy blur of a bazillion words. Out of those words there are but a relative few spoken that are connected directly to the author of Life, words that can break through the blur of the bazillion. Those kinds of spoken words are words of Life, GIFTS from God, given by the Spirit, which can transcend and transform life as we know it. A guy named Peter, in a book called Acts, spoke those kinds of words and many others in that book spoke words like that too, words that were touched and empowered by the Spirit.

We could too.

We should, too.

There’s the challenge for this blog’s (One of a bazillion blogs.) lead page: Walking As Jesus Walked. Can the words of Wilden Words Walking As Jesus Walked be empowered words that break through the noise of a bazillion words…? Can they be more than just a Wilden’s words? Will they have Life GIFTED to more of them, rather than less? Can I learn to better hear His voice, can we together learn to hear and share His words, words that can be heard through the noise of the bazillion words? We can only hope. I invite you to come along side me as we walk his journey together.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in your sight oh Lord…” (“May the words of this blog…”)

There’s my personal challenge, and here is the hope and goal of this blog; that together we may explore and experience the challenge of Jesus, the Author and the very Essence of Life, who said:                                                                                         “I only speak the words of my Father and do His works” His words and works are Life giving. His invitation is: “Walk as I walked…” ’cause “…apart from me you can do nothing.” But, through Him, we “…can do all things”!

We are called to follow Jesus, and he asks us to walk as he walked in all things.  He lived his life by the Life of his Father, as an example, so that we too can we live by his Life and walk through this life empowered by Him, the living Word, so he can continue His works through us. We are on this journey together. May [we] “…become less”, as John the Baptist said, and may Jesus become more. May our words, works, and walk become, more and more, His: His Truth, His Spirit, and His Life working through us.

Let’s go walking together.

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